Hand Held Rollers Hand Held Rollers
Why choose a TriggerPoint massage ball?

Targeted, deep reach rollers and massage sticks give you the ability to compress muscles and relieve soreness and speed up recovery. From the bottoms of your feet up to your neck, find relief in the palm of your hands with our range of TriggerPoint Hand Helds.

Why choose a TriggerPoint handheld roller?

TriggerPoint handheld rollers are excellent self-massage tools that offer user-controlled pressure for a comfortable self-massage therapy. They come in handy sizes and help to relieve muscles pain, improve mobility and accelerate muscle recovery. They are ideal for post workout and can be used while standing or seated.

TriggerPoint handheld rollers cater for different types of muscles affecting different parts of the body. Innovative designs include ergonomically designed handles, patented AcuGrip surface, AcuLoop Grip, contour technology and the signature EVA foam, all unique to TriggerPoint. Handheld rollers offer benefits of Myofascial Release Therapy (self-massage therapy).

Where to buy

Do I need myofascial release therapy?

How do I use TriggerPoint hand held rollers?

Our range of handheld rollers is suited to different needs and different body parts. For example, the Hourglass design for STK Contour relieves soreness and pains, while the ergonomically designed AcuCurve Cane relieves muscles tension at hard-to-reach areas such as the neck, back, shoulders, upper and lower body.

Place the STK Contour handheld roller on problem areas such as hamstrings, quads, tib anterior and traps. Apply pressure on the slim ergonomic handles so that the handheld will bend over your muscles and allow you to target more of the muscles at one time. Start rolling slowly in the area until you find the tender spot and hold pressure directly into it. Relax, breath and maintain compression for 20 to 30 seconds or until tension has been reduced. Flush through the area slowly by rolling four times, followed by a cross friction motion by dragging the handheld side to side so that individual rollers can help to grasp muscles better. Enjoy using this flexible, hourglass-designed handheld and the contour technology it brings in the maintenance of your muscles.

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Featured Product

Introducing the STK Contour™

A hourglass designed flexible handheld roller, the STK Contour releases muscles tightness, increases circulation for muscles’ quick recovery and is ideal as part of everyone's post workout routine.

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Hand held rollers Hand held rollers circle Hand held rollers
  • Designed to wrap around and compress muscles while rolling, to relieve muscle soreness and speed up recovery
  • Can be used while seated or standing, to target both lower and upper body muscles
  • On-the-go relief from muscular aches and pains

Watch our videos below to see how to make the most of your TriggerPoint handheld rollers.

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Pain Points

Price: HKD$0.00

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Excellent in relieving muscles pains, accelerating muscles’ recovery processes, improving mobility and circulation, STK Grip handheld massage roller is one of the easy-to-use handhelds in TriggerPoint STK series. Patented surface and slim ergonomic handles facilitate user-controlled pressure, required for a comfortable self-massage therapy, easing problemed muscles. Ideal for individuals post workout.

Price: HKD$0.00

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Excellent in relieving muscles’ tensions, accelerating muscles’ recovery processes, improving mobility and circulation, STK Contour handheld massage roller is the only flexible handheld massage roller in TriggerPoint STK series. Innovative designs include flexible hourglass design (unique to this model only), contour technology, patented foam surface and slim ergonomic handles, offering users-controlled pressure for self-massage therapy, easing problemed muscles. Ideal for individuals post workout.

Price: HKD$0.00

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Excellent in relieving targeted minor aches and pains, GRID STK foam roller is the world’s first handheld foam roller wrapped in a patent-pending GRID 3-dimensional surface. Available in two densities, regular (GRID STK) and extra firm (GRID STK X). Innovative designs include AcuGRIP handles that are ergonomically shaped, offering pressure in self-massage therapy, addressing problemed muscles. Ideal for individuals post workout.

Shop our full range of handheld rollers through our trusted distributors. It's time to get rolling!

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